If you have 2 Fathom accounts, this is how to switch between accounts

📆 Last updated January 5, 2022

Fathom recommends

We recommend selecting one account for Fathom, as it can be confusing to quickly switch between two accounts. But, if you need to use two accounts, please follow these instructions.

Let's say you're using Fathom for your work account ([email protected]) and your personal account ([email protected]). You want to record your work calls with the work email and the personal calls with your Gmail account.

Note: make sure you've downloaded the desktop app for Fathom and signed up for Fathom with each account.


You'll need to ensure that you're logging into your [email protected] Fathom account on both your web browser AND the desktop app to record calls to the work account. And, you'll need to log out of both the browser and the desktop app to sign out. Then, you'll need to log in to Fathom via the browser and desktop app with your [email protected] account to record calls to your personal account.

To sign up for Fathom, please go to: https://fathom.video/users/sign_up

💼 To log in to the work account ([email protected]), you'll go to https://fathom.video/ to sign in. If you're logged into [email protected] via the browser, then the desktop app will connect to [email protected]. If you want to switch to the personal account ([email protected]), then you'll need to log out of Fathom on the browser and log out of the desktop app.

<aside> 💡 Please note that if you're logging into Fathom via a Microsoft email address, you will be logged into the last account that you chose. I recommend logging in via an incognito window, so you can type in your email and password.


To log out of the desktop app on a Mac open the Fathom app, then go to the upper left-hand corner. Click Fathom → Sign Out.


To log out of the desktop app on Windows click on the small up arrow in the lower right hand corner of the doc. Right click on the Fathom icon → Sign Out.

If you run into any questions, as always... let us know!