By enabling auto record, Fathom will automatically join and begin recording any call where your guest has a different domain than you associated with the meeting invite. This prevents you from ever forgetting to record important meetings and lets you skip the step of clicking the green “start recording” button at the beginning of each call.

Automated Email Consent


Instead of having to take a few minutes out of your meeting time to ask for permission to record the call, Fathom sends an email notification to your attendees prior to your scheduled event. We’ve found over 50% of the time, consent will be granted prior to your meeting, so you can just jump straight to the good stuff saving you heaps of time.


When enabled, Fathom will email your meeting attendees from outside your organization 24 hours prior to the start of your meeting to collect call recording consent (see screenshot of this email below).

If all attendees have given consent, a green check mark will appear next to your upcoming meeting in your upcoming call view so you know that you don't need to ask for consent on the call. When the call starts recording will start automatically.

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